A fashion-forward dog wearing a straw hat and round sunglasses with a peach scarf, exuding a chic and adventurous vibe against a teal wall background | Hairy Humans

Gift-Giving Guide: Custom Pet Portraits

Have you ever wondered how to immortalize your furry friend in a unique and artistic way?


Custom pet portraits offer a unique and deeply personal way to cherish our furry friends. For those seeking a gift that combines whimsy, love, and artistry, Hairy Humans' custom pet portraits are a perfect choice. These portraits, crafted in a playful and quirky style, encapsulate the essence of your pet in a way that’s both fun and heartwarming.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The unique appeal of Hairy Humans' custom pet portraits.
  • Key timing considerations for commissioning and receiving your portrait.
  • Tips for personalizing this special gift to capture your pet's unique character.

Whether you're planning a surprise gift or considering a collaborative effort with the recipient, this guide will help you navigate the thoughtful process of gifting a custom pet portrait. Let's dive into the world of bespoke pet art and discover how to make your next gift unforgettable.


A trendy dog poses in a pink blazer with a vintage scarf and sunglasses, creating a look of retro sophistication in a warmly lit, classic interior setting | Hairy Humans

A Heartfelt Gift: A Custom Pet Portrait to Cherish Forever

Imagine this: Sarah's heart ached as she watched her best friend, Emily, struggle with the loss of her beloved dog, Max. Max wasn't just a pet; he was Emily's loyal companion through life's ups and downs, always there with his wagging tail and comforting presence. The void left by his absence was palpable.

Wanting to do something meaningful, Sarah remembered how Emily's eyes would light up whenever she spoke of Max's quirky habits and his unwavering loyalty. That's when an idea struck her – a custom pet portrait from Hairy Humans, capturing Max's spirit in a way that words could never express.

Sarah meticulously chose a photo of Max, one where his eyes sparkled with mischief and his stance exuded his playful nature. She envisioned this portrait not just as a mere image, but as a tangible piece of Max's memory, immortalized in a unique blend of art and emotion.

When Emily unwrapped the gift, the surprise and joy in her eyes were indescribable. There was Max, his spirited gaze captured perfectly, set upon a human body clad in a dapper suit – just as Emily had often jokingly imagined him. In that moment, Sarah knew she had given Emily more than just a portrait; she had given her a way to cherish Max's memory forever.

To explore more about when and how custom pet portraits  can enhance special occasions like birthdays, memorials, and adoption anniversaries, visit this article. 

Understanding the Appeal of Custom Pet Portraits by Hairy Humans

Custom pet portraits by Hairy Humans offer a unique blend of art and affection, capturing the essence of pets in an imaginative way. What sets these portraits apart is the artistic twist - each pet's head is lovingly portrayed atop a human body, adorned in fashionable attire. This whimsical style not only captures the pet’s likeness but also adds a playful and stylish dimension to the portrait.

The charm of these portraits lies in their ability to bring a smile, evoke memories, and reflect the pet's personality in a lighthearted manner. The choice of clothing for the human bodies ranges from trendy to classic, allowing each pet's character to shine through in a humorous yet elegant fashion. It's this creative representation that makes Hairy Humans' portraits more than just art; they become a cherished keepsake, celebrating the pet in a unique and delightful way.

Selecting the Perfect Animal Portrait from Hairy Humans

Choosing the right portrait at Hairy Humans is an exciting part of the gift-giving process. With a variety of fashionable styles to select from, customers have the opportunity to match their pet's character with an outfit that truly represents them. Whether it's a sophisticated suit for a dignified dog or a chic dress for a glamorous cat, the array of choices caters to every pet's individuality.

The selection process is user-friendly and engaging. After picking a style that resonates with the pet's personality, customers upload their pet’s photo. This photo is crucial as it serves as the foundation for the portrait. Hairy Humans' artists expertly merge the pet's facial features with a human body in the chosen attire, ensuring the final portrait is a perfect blend of pet charm and human fashion sense.


Timing Considerations for Hairy Humans Portraits

For those considering a custom pet portrait from Hairy Humans, it’s important to understand the timeline for the entire journey of your unique gift, from artistic conception to its arrival at your doorstep. This timeline encompasses three key phases: Artistic Creation, Printing, and Shipping.

Artistic Creation

This initial phase starts as soon as a customer uploads their pet's photo and selects a style. Hairy Humans' artists then begin the creative process, meticulously crafting the portrait by combining the pet's features with a stylish human attire. This stage is all about capturing the pet's essence in the whimsical Hairy Humans style.



Once the portrait is artistically completed, it moves into the printing phase. Here, the artwork is transformed into a high-quality print, either framed or unframed, based on the customer’s choice. This step ensures that the final product preserves the vibrancy and details of the original artwork.



The final phase is the shipping of the portrait. Hairy Humans provides a comprehensive timeline for shipping that includes both the artistic creation and printing processes. For U.S. customers, the entire process from order to delivery is typically within 2-3 weeks, extending to 4 weeks during peak seasons. International customers in regions like the UK, Australia, Canada, and parts of Europe can expect the complete journey to take 3-4 weeks, or up to 5 weeks during busy periods.

By considering this complete timeline, customers can confidently plan their special gift, ensuring it arrives just in time for their cherished occasion.

An elegant dog dressed in a stylish yellow coat and soft pink cap stands in a hallway with classic yellow and white decor, showcasing a sophisticated pet fashion sense | Hairy Humans

Personalization Tips for a Heartfelt Hairy Humans Portrait

Personalizing a Hairy Humans custom pet portrait is all about capturing the essence of your pet in a fun and unique way. Here are some tips to help you create a portrait that truly reflects your pet's personality and charm:

Choosing the Right Photo

Josh Norem, a pet and landscape photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area, offers valuable insights on getting your dog to cooperate for that perfect photo:

"There are many tricks of the trade, but in the end, it comes down to patience and being ready for that special moment when it happens. In a perfect world, you’d have a 'wrangler' to direct the animal to look at you, but oftentimes the cat or dog will just look at the wrangler, so it helps if he or she can stand next to you or lead the animal’s vision to where you are located. If you don’t have an assistant, try using squeaky toy apps on your phone [to draw the animal’s attention] – I use Human-to-Cat Translator and Dog Squeaky Toy on my iPhone, which are both free. The only hard part is holding the phone and the camera at the same time. Making a strange noise will sometimes be enough to get the cat or dog to look at you for a brief second – this is where it pays to be ready. You want to have your composition set and focus locked on their eyes."

In addition to Josh Norem's advice, when personalizing a Hairy Humans custom pet portrait, consider the following tips to snapping that ideal photo:

Embrace Natural Light

A well-lit setting is your best friend here. Opt for natural lighting to bring out the true vibrancy and colors of your pet. Whether it’s a sunny spot by the window or a bright room, good lighting can make all the difference.

Quality Matters

The clearer your photo, the more details our artists can capture. Use a good camera or smartphone to ensure the photo is sharp and clear. Think of it as providing the high-definition version of your pet.

Full Portrait Potential

Get a full view of your pet's face and neck. Avoid angles that create shadows or obscure features. This full-frontal view helps our artists accurately depict your pet's unique characteristics.

Skip the Filters

Keep it real and natural. Filters may be fun, but they can alter the actual colors and details of your pet. For a true-to-life portrait, stick with the unfiltered beauty of your furry friend.

The Perfect Angle

Eye level is where the magic happens. Photos taken at your pet's eye level capture their personality most effectively. It’s all about seeing the world from their perspective.

Variety, the Spice of Your Art

Feel free to play around with different angles. Just remember, the pose in your photo will be the pose in the portrait. Choose one that reflects your pet’s spirit and style.

Choosing the right photo is the first step in bringing your pet's portrait to life.To explore more tips and techniques, be sure to check out this comprehensive pet photography guide. With these guidelines, you’re well on your way to creating a Hairy Humans masterpiece that perfectly embodies the essence of your beloved pet. 

Matching the Fashion to the Pet’s Persona

One of the unique features of Hairy Humans' portraits is the combination of pet heads with human bodies dressed in stylish attire. Select a fashion style that complements your pet's personality. Whether it’s a sophisticated suit for a stately pet or something more whimsical for a playful companion, the right outfit can elevate the portrait’s charm.

Consider the Recipient's Preferences

If you are gifting the digital pet portrait, think about the recipient's taste and the aesthetic of their home. The portrait should not only resonate with the pet’s personality but also align with the recipient’s style and decor preferences.

By following these tips, you can ensure your Hairy Humans portrait is a personalized and thoughtful representation of the pet, making it an even more meaningful gift.

"A fashion-forward dog wearing a straw hat and round sunglasses with a peach scarf, exuding a chic and adventurous vibe against a teal wall background | Hairy Humans

Presentation and Delivery of the Hairy Humans Portrait

Once your custom Hairy Humans portrait is ready, the final step is the presentation and delivery, turning the unveiling into a memorable experience. Here's how you can make the most of this special moment:

Anticipating the Arrival

Given the detailed process of creating, printing, and shipping your custom portrait, the anticipation builds up naturally. Hairy Humans ensures that this excitement is met with satisfaction by delivering the finished product right to your doorstep, whether within the 2-3 week timeframe in the USA or the 3-4 weeks internationally, extending slightly during busy holiday seasons.

Unveiling the Masterpiece

If the portrait is a gift, think about the best way to present it. For an unframed portrait, consider a stylish frame that complements both the portrait and the recipient’s decor. The reveal can be as simple as a traditional gift unwrapping or as creative as a surprise unveiling during a special occasion.
Creating a Moment to Remember: The moment of unveiling a Hairy Humans portrait is always special. Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary, or just a gesture of love, the reveal of this personalized artwork is sure to be a heartwarming and memorable event.

Placement in the Home

Once unveiled, the next joy is finding the perfect spot for the portrait. Whether it’s a prominent place in the living room or a special corner in the recipient's office, the portrait is not just a piece of art but a statement of the bond with their pet.

The delivery and presentation of a Hairy Humans portrait are the culmination of a thoughtful and creative process. It’s the final step in a journey that turns a simple photo into a lasting symbol of love and memories.


In this guide, we've journeyed through the delightful process of selecting, personalizing, and presenting a custom pet portrait from Hairy Humans. From understanding the unique charm of these whimsical portraits to choosing the right photo, timing considerations, and making the big reveal, every step is an integral part of this special gift-giving experience.

Let's recap the key takeaways:

  • Hairy Humans transforms ordinary pet photos into extraordinary works of art with their unique style of pet heads on fashionable human bodies.
  • Choosing the right photo is crucial in capturing your pet's true personality in the portrait.
  • Remember to plan ahead, considering the complete journey time from artistic creation to delivery.

Now that you're equipped with all the information for gifting a Hairy Humans portrait, the next step is to visit our website, select your style, and begin the exciting process of turning your beloved pet into a stylish piece of art. Whether for yourself or as a gift for a fellow pet lover, a custom pet portrait is a heartwarming way to honor the furry friends in our lives.

A smart dog in a yellow jacket and red tie seated at a diner booth, presenting a scene reminiscent of a classic portrait with a humorous twist | Hairy Humans


FAQ Section 

How do I choose the right photo for my custom pet portrait?

Select a photo in natural light with your pet's face and neck clearly visible. Ensure the photo is high-resolution, without filters, and captures your pet’s personality.

How long does it take to receive a custom pet portrait?

The total process from artistic creation to delivery typically takes 2-3 weeks in the USA and 3-4 weeks for international orders. During busy holiday seasons, allow up to 4 weeks (USA) or 5 weeks (international).

Are the portraits framed?

Hairy Humans provides both framed and unframed options for your custom pet portraits. You can select your preference during the ordering process.

What if I’m not satisfied with the final portrait?

Customer satisfaction is a priority. If you’re not happy with the final product, please contact Hairy Humans' customer service to discuss possible solutions.

Can I order a portrait for a pet other than a dog or cat?

Absolutely! Hairy Humans creates portraits for all kinds of pets. As long as you have a good photo, we can turn it into a beautiful portrait.

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